RCS Tour Day 2 - Hull to Paris
We have a great driver (Phil) from Wilfreda Beehive looking after us. When we arrived at the ferry terminal Phil and I went to check in armed with 34 passports.
The lady checking us in pointed out that there was a typo on one of the names on our passenger manifesto. Apparently on the list was R Battiscombe Scott rather than Z Battiscombe Scott. So she needed to print a new boarding card.
Surely not right, Ruby definitely starts with R. The lady shows me the passport and there looking back at me from the page is Zoe Battiscome Scott (Ruby’s mum). Nightmare!!!!
Ruby’s passport is in Retford and check in is about to close. Absolutely nothing we can do about it and Ruby can’t travel.
So the race starts. RCS going to Disneyland via Ferry, Zeebrugge and coach. Ruby going to meet us there via a dash by her dad (Chris) to pick her up from the terminal. Overnight in London and 1st Eurostar to Disney. RCS won by 30 minutes.
After all the drama we had the afternoon and evening having fun at Disney. Eydie (our 4 year old) is a bit of a monster for rides, so we managed to get her on Slinky, Parachute Drop, Flying Carpets, carousel and errr Tower Of Terror!!!!!!
Certainly not a boring way for Debbie and I to spend our 10th wedding anniversary ❤️
Early Le start tomorrow in readiness for our Halloween show at midday in Videopolis.
Night everyone.